by John Cordio | Jul 14, 2017 | Insights
You are “live” with your new ERP system. You’ve spent many months executing to a tightly controlled project plan, so now what do you do? Hopefully, your plan addressed some post-implementation activities to help ensure you met the business objectives of your new ERP....
by John Cordio | Apr 19, 2017 | Insights
Your senior management team has determined that their existing ERP solution is not capable to take business to the next level. Where should you start the process to identify the ERP solution that will meet your longer term strategic goals for growth and profitability?...
by John Cordio | Mar 16, 2017 | Insights
Will you be ready for the cloud when the time comes to make the move? From your perspective as CIO, things inside of IT have been going well for the past couple years at your mid-size company. Outages are minimal compared to when you joined the company, the business...
by John Cordio | Feb 14, 2017 | Insights
When it comes to Data Warehousing, what are you really getting for your money? These costs are typically budgeted – but the key is to make sure the Data Warehouse cost is not wasted. First, we need to define “Data Warehouse”. Some technical terms are all...
by John Cordio | Jan 12, 2017 | Insights
Details can make or break an M&A deal, and carve outs are filled with IT details. Carve outs can be great value creation opportunities for both sellers and buyers if they are well thought out and the separation is executed in a well-managed and orderly...